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篇名 The Application of Information and Communication Technologies on Digital Learning to Reduce the Digital Divide
卷期 7
並列篇名 應用資通訊科技於數位學習以減少數位落差
作者 馮明惠麥樹翔
頁次 87-110
關鍵字 數位學習家中學習數位版權管理離線學習Digital learningDigital right managementOffline learningHome learning
出刊日期 200407




Digital learning is gaining a lot of attention in these few years. However, digital learning is still not yet widely adapted. One of the main reasons is due to the digital divide. Digital learning requires the learners to possess certain equipments and skills to participate. Due to the education level, income, generation, behavior, geographic location, etc., learners may not have the required equipments or skills or both to join digital learning. Moreover, insufficient professionalism and the lack of content also hinder the promotion of digital learning. Many nations have national policies to reduce the digital divide, mainly in establishing the necessary infrastructure such as network and computer to broaden the accessibility of digital technology, and deploying online government services to encourage the usage of the digital technology for public. One the other hand, the quality and quantity of the digital content for digital learning is still insufficient. The lack of an open platform, authoring tool chain, convenient digital right management mechanism, system supporting mobile behavior and customization, etc., are some sources of the problem. We will describe several ongoing projects that are aimed to solve or reduce these issues. Combined with the efforts from the industries, such as system integrator, chip manufacturer, and mobile communication vendor, these projects will help encouraging the industries to invest in the creation of digital content.
