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篇名 語藝批評方法在網路文化研究之應用與探討
卷期 6
並列篇名 The Application and Exploration of Rhetorical Criticism Approaches in Cyber Culture Study
作者 蔡鴻濱陳佳靖
頁次 91-126
關鍵字 語藝批評方法網路文化說服Rhetorical criticism approachesCyber culturePersuasion
出刊日期 200401




Facing the great amount of cyber texts, and the limitations of traditional quantitative and qualitative methods in explaining the cyber culture, the author attempts to apply the approaches of rhetorical criticism to explore and explain the cyber culture, in order to create new approaches to the cyber culture study. The author discusses the rationale of rhetorical criticism as the approaches of the cyber study, and demonstrates six rhetorical criticism approaches to analyze the cyber culture, include:neo-Aristotelian criticism、generic criticism、metaphoric criticism、pentadic criticism、symbolic convergence theory and fantasy theme criticism、feminist criticism.
