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篇名 文字模式線上訪談的特質及其限制
卷期 1
並列篇名 The characteristics and limitations of text-based online interview
作者 張維安
頁次 279-297
關鍵字 網際網路線上訪談研究方法internetonline interviewresearch methods
出刊日期 200107




The using of internet is not only a new social phenomenon but also a new tool for social studies today. As sociologists in the early stage of internet society, we need to reconsider a new method for the new phenomenon. Since it is a brand new method, we should pay attention to the characteristics and limitations of internet use. In contrast to the traditional, face-to-face interview method, this research note focuses on the method about text-based online interview, and tries to summarize some ideas for further studies it, however will not be able to answer all the questions arised.
