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篇名 如何挑選軟式網球拍
卷期 32
並列篇名 How to Choose a Soft Tennis Racket
作者 王丁林廖焜福劉宏佑
頁次 281-286
關鍵字 軟式網球拍優勢競技soft tennis racketmilitary Athletic
出刊日期 201212




The history of Soft tennis development in Taiwan has more than one hundred years and that is Taiwan advantage sports in Asia. Soft Tennis rules is simple, using the racket with the ball is very lightweight therefore it is recreational sports a loved by the people of Taiwan deeply. Before skill learning beginners buy a suitable soft tennis racket is a very important issue. The article suggests that beginners would buy a racket way consider the self-economic factors, are advised to consult the views of the coaches or players before buying to assess rackets functions of weight, handle, point of balance, sweet spot etc, to understand the the racket functions and test shot. Regular maintenance of the tennis racket is necessary, to avoid the influence of moisture and temperature, leaving the racket is easy to damage and deformation.
