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篇名 照顧一位獨居尿毒症患者多次瘻管栓塞之護理經驗
卷期 11:4
並列篇名 Nursing experience with caring for a solitary uremic patient that suffered from frequent shunt occlusion during hemodialysis
作者 王芊淳
頁次 050-061
關鍵字 獨居血液透析多次瘻管栓塞焦慮solitaryhemodialysisfrequent shunt occlusionanxietyTSCI
出刊日期 201212


本個案報告描述一位獨居尿毒症患者,接受血液透析治療期間,因多次 管通路
阻塞面臨重建手術困擾之護理經驗。筆者自 2007 年 9 月 18 日至 10 月 15 日護理期
間運用 Gordon 十一項健康功能評估,並藉由觀察、訪談、傾聽及身體評估等技巧收
集資料。確立個案主要健康問題有:1. 舒適障礙/與血管通路栓塞、術後疼痛腫脹有
關;2. 焦慮/與血管多次阻塞的痛苦經驗及重建手術後未知結果有關;3. 家庭運作過程
不適的情況得以改善,且家屬能配合參與居家照護,至 2008 年 3 月止,個案 管無


This report describes the nursing experience with caring for a solitary uremic patient that
suffered from frequent shunt occlusion during hemodialysis. The patient’s health condition
were assessed with the Gordon functional health pattern as well as conventional means such
as observation, conversation, listening and physical examination between September 18 and
October, 2007. The patient was diagnosed with three major health problems: 1. Impaired
Comfort-This was related to the occlusion of vascular access and painful swelling post
surgery. 2. Anxiety-This was related to the pain caused by frequent shunt occlusion and the
uncertain outcome of angioplasty. 3. Dystunctional family processes-This was related to
the irregularity of visits by the primary care provider and the patient’s difficulty in making
contact to communicate his messages. Methods such as showing active concerns and listening
to the needs of the patient were adopted to establish a good relationship between the patient
and the nursing team. Knowledge on caring for the shunt and the coping skill were also
passed on to the patient for his well being.
An educational leaflet on renal disease care was produced to teach the patient and his
family about daily care and improve their understanding of renal diseases and nursing skills.
As a result, good rapport was established between the family and the hospital. Not only
did this help to alleviate the patient's pain and discomfort it also enabled his family to give
support by providing effective home care. As of March 2008 there had been no recurrence of
shunt occlusion and we are continuing to monitor the patient’s condition. The importance of
providing home care skills and the necessary educations to the patient and family cannot be
understated as it promotes the patient’s understanding and ability to care for vascular access.
