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篇名 以品牌概念圖重新探討品牌向下延伸決策:建構品牌聯想為衡量指標
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Reexamining Downward Line Extension Decisions through Brand Concept Maps: Brand Associations as Measurement Indicators
作者 黃哲盛潘婉欣
頁次 085-118
關鍵字 品牌向下延伸品牌概念圖品牌聯想downward line extensionsbrand concept mapsbrand associationsScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201212


Loken、Kim 與Monga (2006) 所發展之品牌概念圖 (Brand Concept Maps;BCM) 運用在品
聯性比較。本研究以精品業Prada 推出之「新品牌」Miu Miu,及Giorgio Armani 所延伸
之「副品牌」Armani Exchange (A/E) 為研究對象,並發展出如何診斷其延伸是否成功的


Based on the methodology of Brand Concept Maps (BCM) proposed by John, Loken, Kim,
and Monga (2006), for eliciting brand association networks from consumers and aggregating
individual maps into a consensus map of the brand, this article aims to identify the reciprocal
spillover effects between the parent brand and its downward line extensions and to
reexamine under what strategic concerns companies launch new products as line extension
or as second brand. The authors have conducted both qualitative and quantitative
comparisons of the cognitive structures between consumers’ BCMs to parent brand and to
line extension brands. Two cases illustrated these examinations, i.e., the downward line
extensions from Prada to MiuMiu and those from Giorgio Armani to Armani Exchange,
respectively. The authors have developed some propositions for measuring the performance
of downward line extension as well. The prospect academic contributions, implications of
global branding strategies, research restrictions and further studies are also discussed.
