
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 Tracking Scientometric Research in Taiwan Using Bibliometric and Content Analysis
卷期 10:2
作者 Yu-Wei Chang
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 ScientometricsBibliometricsTaiwanTSSCI
出刊日期 201212



scientometric research authored by researchers in Taiwan based on journal articles and theses. The
findings indicated that after the first article on scientometrics was published in 1987, an increasing
trend was observed in the number of scientometric-related publications after 2000, indicating that
scientometric research received more attention in recent years. The scope of disciplines of researchers
was broad, and the number of disciplines continued to increase. This confirms the interdisciplinary
nature of scientometric research with relationships that cross over different areas. From the perspective
of the authors’ disciplines, the largest percentage of the authors were from the fields of library and
information science (LIS), followed by business and management, and medical science, but a considerable
drop in number was observed in the percentage of LIS. In addition, co-authored articles were
dominant. Over half of these articles were classified as inter-institutional collaboration and exhibited a
steadily increasing trend. The number of interdisciplinary articles also exhibited an upward trend. Most
of the research topics focused on citation analysis and characteristic of literature. The same trends were
also found in the top two research methods: general bibliometric analysis and citation analysis. Due
to the interdisciplinary nature of scientometric research, the academic backgrounds of the researchers
would naturally be diverse. Given this characteristic, this study suggests that the relationship between
disciplines of researchers and research topics can be further explored.
