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篇名 照護一位乳癌術後病患定期住院接受化學治療之護理經驗
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 A Nursing Experience of a Breast Cancer Who Post Operation Accept Chemotherapy Frequently in Hospital
作者 許莉宛林美娟
頁次 027-038
關鍵字 乳癌術後身體心像紊亂化學治療breast cancer post operationbody image disorderchemotherapy
出刊日期 201109




This article describes a nursing experience about a patient who was diagnosed breast cancer post operation, the regular accepts the chemotherapy. The nursing experience based on the patient-centered care dated from 16th January to 4th June, 2009, the medical data was collected and nursing problem was accessed not only by means of direct care, observation, and written discussion, but by means of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual evaluations. The patient's health problems include knowledge deficit/ related to the chemotherapy, anxiety, and body image disturbance. While taking care of this patient, I offer caring, empathy, accompany and listening to establishment the patient could meet the physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually problem, by sketch individual nursing measure, and gives encourages to support, assist patient overcome disease and chemotherapy brings body and mind impact, enables it to be treated by the forward manner facing disease acceptance treatment.
