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篇名 軍人的雙側近端腓骨疲勞性骨折-病例報告
卷期 17:4
並列篇名 Bilateral Stress Fracture of the Proximal Fibula in a Military Recruit-A Case Presentation
作者 游智鈞許順淵韋有升陳啟文
頁次 043-048
關鍵字 疲勞性骨折軍人雙側近端腓骨Stress fractureMilitary recruitBilateral proximal fibulaBilateral high fibula
出刊日期 201112




Stress fracture is an injury caused by overuse of muscle forces with bending and impact forces acting on the bones. Overloading eventually occurred and will lead to a metabolic response in terms of minimal periosteal reaction and transcortical lesions. It occurs typically on the weight bearing bones, such as the tibia and metatarsal. It is a common sports injury and most cases are associated with athletics. Proximal fibular stress fracture, especially bilateral is an uncommon injury found among the military population. A military recruit with bilateral proximal fibular stress fracture was reported. After through assessment, the patient received four weeks of resting. The symptoms remitted gradually and subsided.
