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篇名 照護一位膽管癌初次接受化學治療之護理經驗
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 A Nurse's Experience Treating a Patient with Cholangioma Undergoing First-Time Chemotherapy
作者 張嘉珣韓玉蘭
頁次 059-070
關鍵字 膽管癌癌症疼痛焦慮化學治療CholangiomaCancer painAnxietyChemotherapy
出刊日期 201203


本文敘述一位罹患膽管癌初次接受化學治療的護理過程;筆者於2010年7月9日到2010年7月25日護理期間,經由直接接觸、會談、觀察及身體評估,運用Gorden 11項功能性健康型態評估收集資料,確立有疼痛、噁心嘔吐、焦慮、知識不足等四項健康問題。住院期間經建立治療性人際關係,訂定合適及個別性的照護計畫,協助減輕疼痛並提供完整的治療資訊,以滿足身體、心理需要;在同理及陪伴下,鼓勵表達想法及感受並予支持,成功地幫助病人克服第一次化療所造成的不適症狀,並積極面對疾病治療過程。出院後予電訪追蹤,得知個案已能適應返家後的生活,並在多方支持下,對現階段的自己有了新的生活方式及目標。


This article describes a nurse's experience treating a cholangioma patient undergoing initial chemotherapy. From July 9 to July 25, 2010, the author applied Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns as the clinical nursing instruction method and collected data from comprehensive assessments by observing and interviewing the patient. Four major nursing concerns were revealed: pain, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, and lack of knowledge about chemotherapy. The author established a good relationship with the patient and his family. In addition, the author also tried to relieve the patient's pain, nausea, vomiting, and set up individualized care plans to meet the patient's physical and psychological needs. Through the nursing process, the patient coped well with the side effects of first-time chemotherapy. After the patient was discharged, telephone follow-up revealed that he was able to adapt to his current living situation. With the help of numerous supporters, the patient also has changed his lifestyle and created some personal goals.
