
Hwa Kang English Journal

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篇名 Milton across Cultures: The Reception in Taiwan after 1949 with Reference to Milton in China and Japanese Milton Scholarship
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 遠渡重洋的彌爾頓:1949年後在台灣的接受史與在中國與日本的遭遇對比
作者 黃嘉音
頁次 019-051
關鍵字 John Miltonreception historyMilton in TaiwanMilton in ChinaMilton in Japan彌爾頓接受史彌爾頓在台灣彌爾頓在中國彌爾頓在日本
出刊日期 201212




John Milton, lauded as the most significant poet after William Shakespeare, is often considered a literary treasure of the English nation. However, there has been a rising interest in Milton’s reputation in cultures other than the English speaking world in recent years. Among the non-English speaking cultures being studied, receptions of Milton in the Japanese- and Chinese-speaking worlds have been examined carefully. Several reviews on the development of Milton scholarship in Japan have been published since the 1960s. Research on the reception history of Milton in China in late-Qing China and the early 20th century has been conducted, although investigations on Milton’s stature in China beyond 1949 as well as in the other parts of the Chinese-speaking world such as Taiwan and Hong Kong are yet to be done.
The historical-cultural links between Taiwan and China suggests continuity while political separation has resulted in metamorphosis in the reception of Milton in Taiwan as opposed to the earlier development in China. It is therefore interesting to conduct an overview on the images of Milton in Taiwan so as to complete the picture of Milton’s reception in the Chinese-speaking world. While examining the reception history of Milton in Taiwan with respect to its relation with earlier reception in China, an understanding of Milton’s fate in the neighboring Japan will enable us to consider the factors that might be involved in Milton’s cross-cultural journeys to the Far East and to bring some light on the nature of Milton’s fate in East Asia.
