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篇名 唐代文獻中里胥的用法與職能
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 The Usage and Function of the Term “Community Functionaries” (lixu) in the Tang Dynasty
作者 林楓珏
頁次 185-220
關鍵字 唐代里胥地方行政基層社會the Tang DynastyCommunity Functionaries Local AdministrationLocal Society
出刊日期 201212




This article discusses lixu (里胥, “community functionaries”)in the Tang Dynasty. I will analyze and generalize the origins and meanings of three different usages of this term: its usage as a literary allusion, a general usage, and a specialized usage. As a literary allusion, lixu invoked a passage in the History of Han(漢書) and is often seen in answers to examination questions, imperial edicts, and literati essays. The general usage referred to those minor officials who were employed outside of the official bureaucracy and performed various tasks at the local government level. The specialized meaning referred to minor officials who were officially added to local governments by the central government and who dealt with specialized administration works.After the mid-Tang, the general sense of lixu was seen widely in texts, the position of lixu usually being filled by local elites. The emergence of lixu reflects changes in the socio-political sphere after the mid-Tang. This phenomenon is illustrated by the increas in temporary staff in local governments and became characteristic of local government after the Tang Dynasty.
