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篇名 一種可見光通訊系統
卷期 149
並列篇名 A Visible Light Communication System
作者 陳仁智陳志楹林哲群
頁次 101-109
關鍵字 可見光通訊固態照明技術發光二極體Visible Light Communication Solid-State Lighting Light Emitter Diode
出刊日期 201302


在LED勢必越來越普及的未來,利用光快速變化的特性來做高速資料傳輸的技術正快速的發展。可見光通訊是未來相當有潛力的無線技術,全球學界與工業界都投入相當大的研發能量。目前射頻(Radio-Frequency; RF)通訊與紅外光(Infrared; IR)通訊是現存提供短距離或中長距離的通訊技術,但可見光的特性與紅外光和射頻不同,可見光通訊可以視為紅外光和射頻通訊的互補,用以改善現存通訊的缺點。此外,可見光通訊不會干擾現存的射頻通訊,並且使用不需執照的頻譜,也幾乎沒有規範,這個特性讓可見光通訊成為解決射頻頻譜擁擠的一個潛力方案。許多的移動通訊裝置對無線通訊量需求越來越大,頻譜不夠用的問題也越來越嚴重。依照目前無線通訊的需求成長,通訊營運商的頻譜在三到五年內將不敷使用。可見光通訊並不能完全取代現有的無線通訊系統,但可以跟射頻通訊互補。全球已經投入很多研究資源在可見光通訊上,本篇文章主要簡介可見光通訊並詳細說明所開發的可見光通訊平台的現況。


Visible LED has started in every home and office, which makes the LED visible light is ubiquitous and easy to transport. Visible Light Communications (VLC) is touted globally both in research and industrial circles as the next generation wireless technology with a huge market potential. Currently radio-frequency (RF) based communication and infrared (IR) communication are the two technologies used for mid-range and short communications respectively. VLC is expected to cover the drawbacks and disadvantages of these two technologies by acting as a complement to both. Besides, VLC is a potential solution to the spectrum crunch because VLC has a major advantage that it causes no interference to RF-based devices. The primary reason resulting in the spectrum crunch problem is the tremendous growth of mobile broadband with the rise of the use of smart phones, laptops, tablet PCs. The growth is expected to be practically off the scale. The current spectrum is expected to be consumed by the operators in three to five years at the current rate of proceedings. VLC is not expected to replace IR or RF, but complementary action of these technologies is considered to be the best way going forward by researchers across the globe. In this paper, we introduce the application of VLC and details development status in ITRI.

