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篇名 表靈物莫賞,蘊真誰為傳?--談柳宗元永州游記
卷期 22
並列篇名 Who Is My Bosom Friend? On Liu Zongyuan's Travel Writings on Yongzhou
作者 何雅雯
頁次 001-029
關鍵字 柳宗元永州游記知音Liu ZongyuanYongzhouNatural writingTravel notes literatureBosom friendConfidanceTHCI Core
出刊日期 201301




Tang Dynasty travel writings inherited the tradition from the Six Dynasties of ‘Shi Yan Zhi’(詩言志), of which Liu Zongyuan was one of the major writers. This paper first discusses the structure of Liu’s travel writings on the landscape of Yongzhou, and analyzes the themes of “barbarians and sin”, “self and initiation” and “happiness and abandoning”. Secondly,it explores how dangerous and splendid the sublime landscape is from the perspective of Liu and how it means to him. Finally, I will study Liu’s sense of self definition in his society and his desire for bosom friends.
