
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 不同世代的志工與非志工的動機與價值差異分析:親子對偶比較
卷期 36:1
並列篇名 Volunteers' Work Value and Motivation for Different Cohorts: A Dyadic Comparison between Parents and Children
作者 王叢桂羅國英
頁次 001-027
關鍵字 工作價值工作動機志工work valuework motivationvolunteerTSSCI
出刊日期 201303
DOI 10.3966/102498852013033601001


研究目的:本研究驗證志工與非志工,以及親子志工在價值與動機上是否有差異? 研究方法:針對台北某私立大學333對父母親與子女施測華人價值量表。研究結果顯示:一、子代志工比非志工重視自我實現與成就、發揮創意、心靈滿足、和諧互信、利他服務、權勢地位、尊重與財富、自主獨立、安全舒適與均衡生活;也重視生涯發展、社交分享、社會尊重、利他助人與福報功德等動機;子代性別與參與志工對價值有顯著交互作用,非志工男性比其他組較不重視自我實現與成就、心靈滿足、安全舒適、自主獨立與均衡生活。二、父母親參與志工者的價值與動機不相同,母親志工比非志工重視利他服務價值、實現自我、發揮創意、得到心靈滿足與建立和諧誠信關係,父親志工比非志工重視利他服務價值及福報功德與宗教利他動機。


Research purpose: The first purpose is to investigate whether volunteers and nonvolunteers hold different value and motivation? The second purpose is to examine whether parents and their child participate volunteer for different value and motivation? Method: Chinese work value and motivation scales had been administered to senior students and their parents recruited from a private university located in Taipei. Three hundred and thirty three dyad data were collected. Results: (1) In comparison to non-volunteers, young volunteers are more emphasized on values such as self actualization and achievement, creativity, spiritual satisfaction, integrate relationship, social services, extrinsic reward, autonomy, security, and balance life; they are also more emphasized on work motivations such as career development, social interaction, social respect, altruistic, and indigenous fu-bao (accumulate good deeds) concept. (2) Parent volunteer value and motivation are shaped by social gender role. In comparison to non-volunteers, mother volunteers are more emphasized on values such as self actualization, creativity, spiritual satisfaction, integrate relationship, social services, and altruistic motivation; while father volunteers are more emphasized on social services value and motivations such as altruistic, religious altruism, and fu-bao. (3) The interaction between gender and volunteer participation on children’s work value suggest that male college students who participate volunteer are more dedicated into career and social services.
