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篇名 宜蘭農地宅舍分布型態之變遷與其影響因素之探討
卷期 40:1
並列篇名 Changes in Farmhouse Distribution Pattern and Factors Affecting Farmhouse Change in Yilan
作者 吳彩珠林峰田林森田許元綸
頁次 031-057
關鍵字 農舍點模式分析Logistic迴歸宜蘭TSSCI
出刊日期 201303


  自農業發展條例開放農地自由買賣、放寬農舍興建限制、暨民宿旅遊風熾,新建農舍如雨後春筍,住農混雜的農舍零星散布、狗籠農舍問題等亦甚囂塵上,不僅對自然景觀造成相當衝擊,亦造成農地破碎、妨礙規模耕作,而蛙躍式地貌發展,更導致公共設施浪費與治安問題。本文爰以宜蘭為例,利用國土利用現況調查資料,運用空間自相關分析與點模式分析,探討 1995-2006 年間宜蘭農舍聚集區域、聚集程度、聚集尺度等分布型態及其衍化5變遷;並由生態景觀指標探討農舍興建對農地地景影響;及探求低密度農地宅舍造成宜蘭鄉村擴張遠郊化現象;最後藉 Logistic 迴歸分析探求影響農舍興建發展潛力因子。研究結果顯示,宜蘭農舍原具明顯聚集之農舍聚落,但至 2006 年新增農舍四處林立,原農舍叢聚現象消散,此期間鄉村擴張遠郊化現象明顯、農地建地化蠶蝕宜蘭優良農地、增高農地地景破碎度;實徵結果顯示可及性、景觀因素、鄰域狀況等為影響農舍興建發展潛力因子。最後提出結論與建議,供政府單位城鄉發展與農業環境規劃管理參考。


  This paper explores the evolutional patterns of farmhouse distribution, and examines the factors affecting farmhouses changes in Yilan County. This paper examined the pattern of farmhouse distribution using point pattern analysis, and examined the factors that influence on attractiveness for farmhouses using logistic regression analysis in Yilan County during 1995-2006. The results showed that in 1995, the spatial distribution of farmhouses exhibited significant accumulation. By 2006, clustering settlement dispersed and was replaced by an exurban pattern. The scattered distribution of farmhouses increased agricultural landscape fragmentation. The empirical results showed that accessibility, landscape factors, and neighborhood status were the drivers of farmhouse building. The conversion of farmland is irreversible, and thus such building should be concentrated in appropriate development areas to reduce conflicts between agricultural production and farmhouse building. Furthermore, the research results also provide useful suggestions for mechanisms for controlling farmland use.
