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篇名 機器人問題導向程式設計課程對女高中學生學習程式設計影響之研究
卷期 354
並列篇名 The Effectiveness of Robot Programming Courses in PBL Programming Language Course for Female High school students
作者 王裕德陳元泰曾鈴惠
頁次 011-029
關鍵字 機器人程式設計問題導向女高中生RobotProgramming LanguagePBLFemale High school students
出刊日期 201211


本研究目的是想瞭解機器人融入高中程式設計課程中,對女高中生在學習程式設計成就及態度之影響。本研究以台灣中區一所女校之高一學生為樣本,隨機選派2 班學生,一班為控制組(42 人),另一班為實驗組(42 人),二班學生先實施六週(12 節)基礎程式設計課程,基礎課程結束後實施程式設計成就及態度前測,隨後控制組進行問題導向程式設計課程六週(12 節),實驗組進行問題導向機器人程式設計課程六週(12 節),課程實施中並隨機挑選實驗組學生進行半結構性訪談,以瞭解學生的學習狀況。課程結束後再實施程式設計成就及態度後測,研究資料以MACOVA、Paired T-Test 等統計方法進行研究考驗,統計考驗後發現不同教學策略分組的學生其程式設計學習成效沒有顯著差異,但實驗組學生在接受完問題導向機器人程式設計課程後程式設計態度有顯著提昇;學生訪談記錄經質性分析也發現藉由機器人來學習程式設計較能瞭解程式的作用且較能引起學生學習動機及興趣。


The purpose of the study was to understand the effectiveness of robot programming courses in programming language course for female high school students. The samples of this study were female high school students of a high school in the center of Taiwan. During the experimental period, two class of students were randomly chose, control group (42 students) was one class and experimental group (42 students) was the other. Students of two classes to be implemented basis programming language course for six weeks. All students implemented programming achievement and attitude pretest after taking basis programming language course. The control group implemented PBL programming language course for six weeks (12 hours). The experimental group implemented PBL robot programming courses for six weeks (12 hours). During the experimental period, randomly selected students of the experimental group did the semi-structured interview. All students implemented programming achievement and attitude pretest after taking PBL programming language course and PBL robot programming courses. The main statistic procedures employed for analyzing experimental data and testing the research hypotheses were MACOVA and Paired T-Test. The main findings of this study were that there were no significant differences in students’ programming achievement between experimental group and control group. Students’ programming attitude of the experimental group was significantly different to the experimental group. Data of semi-structured interview by qualitative analysis indicate that robot programming courses can generate students’ motivation and interest.
