
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering EIMEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 A Sensitive Indicator of Hemodynamic Changes in The Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Using a Modified Version of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” as a Task Load
卷期 33:1
作者 Kenji MatsumotoSenichiro KikuchiFumikazu MiwakeichiYoshiki YamauchiMakio IshiguroEiju WatanabeSatoshi Kato
頁次 087-093
關鍵字 EvaluationInhibition of stereotyped behaviorLateral prefrontal cortex Near-infrared spectroscopy Rock paper scissors EISCI
出刊日期 201302



Previous studies have used a modified rock,paper,scissors (RPS) task to evaluate cerebral function. Normally, this game requires that participants attempt to win. The LOS task (attempting to lose on purpose) demands inhibition of stereotyped behavior,which is one of the important functions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). It has also been shown that more activity is induced in the lateral PFC (LPFC) when playing RPS to lose. Many of these studies have therefore focused on the LPFC. Thus,it would be valuable to establish a method of evaluating cerebral function using the modified version of RPS. This study subdivided the LPFC to investigate the reason for the increased hemodynamic changes in the modified RPS task to lose on purpose. And the hemodynamic changes under various task conditions were examined. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to monitor the hemodynamic changes in the LPFC during the modified RPS task. The subjects were 25 healthy adults. The task was adapted into four versions: “WIN”, “LOSE”, “ALT”, and “RND” tasks. The goal of the “ALT” task was to win and lose alternately, and that of the “RND” task was randomized. The hemodynamic changes during these tasks were compared. The oxyhemoglobin (oxy-Hb) signals were recorded using a block design. The oxy-Hb signals were preprocessed and integrated for analysis. The hemodynamic changes in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) were found to be higher during the LOS task than during the WIN task. This increase was regarded as a logical outcome of VLPFC activation during a task involving the inhibition of stereotyped behavior. This suggested that, when using NIRS to evaluate the LPFC during the modified RPS task,focusing on the coupling of WIN and LOS tasks in the VLPFC may be valuable for evaluating cerebral function.

