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篇名 照護一位鼻咽癌末期患者面臨死亡之護理經驗
卷期 18:3
並列篇名 The nursing experience of caring a patient with the late nasopharyngeal carcinoma
作者 林姿吟周香吟廖婉君
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 鼻咽癌慢性疼痛死亡焦慮營養不足nasopharyngeal cancerchronic painanxiety of facing deathlack of nutrition
出刊日期 201209




This report is describing a nursing experience of caring a patient with the late nasopharyngeal carcinoma and discussing the nursing problems of patient who facing death. During the nursing period the author needs to make sure the patient have the healthy problems that including chronic pain, anxiety of facing death and nutritious problem by physical evaluation, communication and observing the family interaction through the side of physiology, psychology, family, society and spirit. According all those problems the author makes the continuous nursing plans to dissolve this case of nursing problems step by step.
During the care process we provide comfortable nursing skills, using medication and alternative therapy to relieve patients’ pain. It improves the problems of nutrition and diarrhea by adjusting the eating preference and helping patients facing death bravely by consideration, listening and intervention of hospice care team and religious team. Hoping this report can provide the ways of helping patients to use the spiritual power to overcome the anxiety of facing death and lets patients and their family have preparation of facing death calmly.
