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篇名 辦桌節慶活動觀光客體驗價值、幸福感與行為意圖之研究
卷期 6:4
並列篇名 Experiential Value, Well-Being, and Behavioral Intention of Tourists at Banto (Catering) Festival Events
作者 陳貴凰
頁次 001-025
關鍵字 飲食節慶體驗價值幸福感行為意圖Food FestivalExperiential ValueWell-BeingBehavioral Intention
出刊日期 201212


  本研究旨在探討辦桌節慶活動觀光客體驗價值、幸福感與行為意圖之間關聯性,並瞭解幸福感所扮演角色。採取問卷調查方式,研究對象為參與苗栗三義辦桌節慶活動觀光客314 位,主要以結構方程模式作資料分析。研究結果發現,體驗價值並未直接正向影響行為意圖,而幸福感對於行為意圖的正向影響關係則獲得實證支持,且體驗價值對於幸福感的正向影響關係成立,並獲得幸福感在體驗價值和行為意圖之間扮演中介角色,且為完全中介模式。


  The purpose of this study was to explore the correlations among the experiential value, well-being, and behavioral intention of tourists at Banto (catering) festivals, as well as to understand the role of well-being. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 314 tourists at a Banto festival in Miaoli County. Structural equation model was used for data analysis. The results showed that experiential value did not directly positively affect behavioral intention, and that the positive effect of well-being on behavioral intention had empirical support. The positive effect of experiential value on well-being was established. This study also found that well-being played a mediating role between experiential value and behavioral intention in a complete mediating model.
