
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 美國反跟追法(Anti-Stalking Law)之研究- 兼論我國相關法制之建構
卷期 24:3
並列篇名 A Research on the Anti-Stalking Law
作者 法思齊
頁次 1-47
關鍵字 跟追跟蹤跟追糾纏跟追法反跟追法模範反跟追法法典社會秩序維護法第89條司法院釋字第689號解釋stalkingstalkerstalking lawanti-stalking lawcyberstalkingThe Model Stalking CodeJudicial Yuan Interpretation No.689TSSCI
出刊日期 201301


與工作亦常會因此受到嚴重影響。有鑑於此,歐美各國於1990 年代初期,即先後針對跟追行為訂定專法。其中,更以美國反跟追之發展最令人矚目。1990 年,加州成為全美第一個通過反跟追法(Anti-stalking Law),將跟追行為定為犯罪之地區。之後,全美各地亦陸續跟進。1996 年,聯邦政府亦加入反跟追法之行列。從聯邦至各州,美國之反跟追法不論係就行為人之主觀要件、行為要件、規範之行為態樣抑或是司法機關為預防危險制止跟追行為得採行之手段與程序等,均有頗為詳盡之規定。反觀我國,雖有社會秩序維護法第89 條第2 款針對跟追行為為規範,然審視該款之規定,不僅未就何謂跟追訂有明確涵義,其構成要件,與美國之反跟追法相比,亦較為簡略而難以涵蓋現代社會中各種跟追糾纏行為之態樣與違法內涵。是故,為落實對被跟追人之保護及社會安全之維護,實有必要就我國現行跟追行為之規範加以檢討並研擬更周延之規定。本文擬藉由美國相關立法之研究,做為我國未來建構相關法制之參考。


Stalking is a crime of terror. It is one part threat and one part waiting for the threat to be carried out. While not every case of stalking result in the death of the victim, stalking has a tremendous emotional and psychological impact on the lives of those who are targeted. However, the victim of stalking usually has no way to resolve the threat and terror he or she feels. Over the last few decades, stalking has become increasingly prevalent throughout the civilized world, and the increase in cyberstalking (stalking over the internet) gives even greater cause for concern. In order to combat this problem, antistalking legislation has been introduced in United States and the most Western nations. In 1990, California enacted the first stalking law. Since then, all 50 states, and the federal government have passed laws criminalizing stalking. By studying stalking laws in the United States, this article tries to propose a constitutionally valid and effective legal response to the problem of stalking in Taiwan.
