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篇名 從實務者觀點看弱勢青少年工作之價值信念與實踐策略
卷期 24
並列篇名 Practitioners’ Value Beliefs and Working Strategies in Disadvantaged Youth Work
作者 魏希聖
頁次 1-42
關鍵字 青少年助人專業價值工作策略實務經驗adolescentshelping professionvaluesworking strategypractical experience
出刊日期 201212


本研究針對台灣各地區以弱勢青少年為服務對象的助人工作者舉辦焦點團體,據以了解其價值理念、看待弱勢青少年案主的視角、助人者之具體工作策略與實務困境,以及對於現行青少年工作的教育訓練之反思與建議。共32 位實務工作者參與。研究結果發現,實務工作者強調不放棄與支持態度,希望營造家庭氣氛與家人關係,並且透過脈絡化的理解、優勢與人本觀點、個人自決與成長、以少年為中心的陪伴、空間讓渡等視角與策略,實踐其助人價值。受訪者亦提出拓展工作者生命體驗、人文陶冶和多元文化素養、自我覺察和照顧等等專業教育建議,以及對於青少年工作的省思。本文最後討論了這些發現反映的價值議題,以及對當前助人專業發展的啟示。


The present study utilized practitioner focus groups to explore the essence of disadvantaged youth work in Taiwan, the value beliefs of the helping professionals, their perspectives of adolescent clients, the working strategies and difficulties encountered, and their reflections and feedback for youth work education and training. Thirty two youth workers constituted the participants of this study. The results highlighted a supportive and not-giving-up attitude as well as the vision of an alternative home and family. The youth workers put their values into practice through a contextualized understanding, strength and humanistic perspective, emphasis on self-determination and growth, keeping company with the youth, and giving space. They also remarked on youth work and suggested broadening the life experience of workers, increasing liberal art and multi-cultural education, and promoting self-awareness and care. Value issues and implications for helping profession development are discussed.
