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篇名 四明知禮「是心作佛,是心是佛」的詮釋及其理論意涵
卷期 8
並列篇名 The Interpretation and Theoretical Meaning of Siming Zhili’s “The Mind Becomes a Buddha” and “The Mind Is a Buddha”
作者 陳啟文
頁次 039-062
關鍵字 知禮性具圓教天台佛教思想三觀三因佛性三千法Zhili 知禮,Inherent Entailment Yuanjiao 圓教Tiantai Buddhist ThoughtThree Contemplationsthree Buddha-nature causesThree Thousand DharmaTHCI
出刊日期 201212




There has been little in-depth research on Tiantai monk Zhili’s Pure-Land thought. In this research, the author emphasizes on this aspect and discusses the relational structure between mind-nature and objective world under Pure-Land ideology. This paper presents a legitimate foundation of this specific theory in religious practice.
This research mainly focuses on Zhili’s interpretation of the two Pure-Land concepts, namely, “the mind becomes a Buddha” and “the mind is a Buddha.” The paper shows how Zhili adopts the doctrines of Tiantai Buddhism, “to see the universe as a thought,” “the mind includes everything,” “the phenomenal (rūpa) include all things,” “mind and matter are non-dual,” “inside and outside are non-dual,” “cause and effect are non-dual,” “essence and practice are non-dual,” “three truths (satya) are identical,” and “three contemplations” to arrive at his understanding of “the mind becomes a Buddha” and “the mind is a Buddha.”
