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篇名 FE-SEA混合法在複雜耦合結構振動與噪聲預測中的應用與研究
卷期 32:2
並列篇名 Vibration and Noise Prediction of a Complex Coupling Structure Utilizing the FE-SEA Hybrid Method
作者 徐文龍龔國慶陳勇方亮彬
頁次 51-62
關鍵字 噪聲FE-SEA混合法SEA統計能量法中頻NoiseFE-SEA hybrid methodSEAMid-frequency
出刊日期 201304


本文簡要闡述了FE-SEA(Finite element-Statistical energy analysis)混合法的概念和原理,從理論方面闡述了其在解決中頻振動噪聲問題方面的有效性;並分別採用FE-SEA 混合法和SEA(Statistical energy analysis)統計能量法兩種方法,利用商用軟體VA one 和AUTOSEA2 分別建立了複雜板梁耦合結構的噪聲預測模型,通過仿真得到仿真數據,並與實驗測得數據進行對比,對比結果表明,FE-SEA混合法在中頻區域的仿真結果與實驗結果有著更高的吻合度;從而在理論和實驗兩個方面共同驗證了FE-SEA 混合法在中頻振動噪聲預測方面的科學性和有效性。


This article briefly state the concept and principle of the FE-SEA (Finite element-Statistical energy analysis), and the validation of this method on the mid-frequency. It uses the FE-SEA hybrid method and the SEA (Statistical energy analysis), with the software VA one and AUTOSEA2 to establish the noise prediction model of the complex coupling structure of plates and beams, and then get the predicted value ,which will be contacted with the experimental data. The comparison proves that the FE-SEA prediction value is more identical with the experimental data. And prove both in theory and experiment that the FE-SEA hybrid method is scientific and effective in the mid-frequency.
