
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 《世說新語》圖書文獻與數位化觀察──以國家圖書館典藏為例
卷期 25
並列篇名 Literature and Digital Observation of “Essays and Criticism” Shi Shuo Hsin Yu - Exemplified by the collection of the National Library as an example
作者 薛雅文
頁次 31-50
關鍵字 《世說新語》古典小說史料筆記小說數位化Essays and Criticismclassical novel historiographynotes novelDigitizedTHCI
出刊日期 201305




its generation. The content illustrates the words, behaviors, and anecdotes of the upper-class individuals between the end of Eastern Han Dynasty and Jin Dynasty to deliver the author’s positive and negative reflections. “Essays and Criticism” has the unique beauty of both literature and novel written from the author’s point of view. This novel impressed and influenced subsequent dynasties, and a number of versions have been handed down for generations. With today’s advanced publishing technology, digital versions of “Essays and Criticism” continue to appear one after another.
I have always been very interested in reviewing and compiling literature in novels. Moreover, I have my own reflections after observing all kinds of literary forms and attempted to share my ideas centering on versions collected by the National Library. In the future, other people’s views on “Essays and Criticism” may be added to my review. In the mean time, I hope that the National Library, with its superior resources, can quickly digitalize the fine literature collected within this book. If classical literature and modern technology may be combined successfully, works like “Essays and Criticisms” may be handed down to later generations in much better formats and withstand the test of time.
