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篇名 在生活互動中創造跨文化的學習經驗
卷期 230
並列篇名 Creating Cross-cultural Learning Experiences within the Day-to-day Interaction
作者 林梅琴
頁次 076-093
關鍵字 國際教育跨文化學習學習經驗international educationcross-cultural learninglearning experience
出刊日期 201306


教育部於2012年公告的《國際教育白皮書》,將國家認同、國際素養、全球責任感及全球競合力設為國際教育的目標。本文主要探究學校與教師應如何在生活互動中創造學生跨文化的學習經驗,讓他們有機會接觸來自全球各地的人、事、物,並透過互動交流使其更理解、尊重與欣賞各國的文化,以增進國際素養。 本文介紹臺灣國際教育的內涵,說明如何建構跨文化的學習經驗,同時提供一個跨文化學習的課程規劃案例,藉以探討經驗學習與合作教育,最後陳述跨文化的學習模式設計。若欲創造深刻的跨文化學習經驗,必須讓學生有更多的參與及體驗,學生也應在學習過程中,對自己及他人的學習負責,因此,學校與教師可引進校內外的國際資源,搭配課程規劃或活動推行,而教師亦需設計能引發學生主動學習的多元活動。


In 2012, the Ministry of Education promulgated the white paper of International Education wherein national identity, international literacy, global responsibility as well as the ability to compete and cooperate globally are set as the goals to be achieved. The purpose of this paper is to explore how schools and teachers can create cross-cultural learning experiences with students' day-to-day interaction. Cross-cultural learning experiences provide opportunities for students to interact with people, affairs, and things from the global world. Students will increase their understanding, respect and appreciation of others' culture through interaction and communication with the global world. As a result, students' international literacy will be enhanced. This article introduces the gist of international education in Taiwan. It illustrates the process of constructing cross-cultural learning experiences. With regards to experiential learning and cooperative education, an example of a curriculum for fostering students' crosscultural learning experience is presented. And lastly, a design of cross-cultural learning model is described. In order to create profound learning experiences, students should be given more opportunities to participate and experience. Students need to take responsibilities for themselves and others during the learning process. To foster cross-cultural learning, schools and teachers can bring in international resources within or outside the campus and incorporate them into the curriculum or learning activities. Teachers need to be able to design multiple activities which can trigger the students' active learning.
