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篇名 區分化教師評鑑及 對我國教師專業發展評鑑的啟示
卷期 60:2
並列篇名 The Concept of Differentiated Teacher Evaluation and Its Implication
作者 丁一顧
頁次 008-019
關鍵字 區分化教師評鑑教師專業發展評鑑differentiatedTeacher Professional Development Evaluation Programteacher professional development
出刊日期 200906


區分化乃是高品質教師評鑑的核心概念,本文首在評析區分化教師評鑑的相關 概念,其次,則闡述我國教師專業發展評鑑的概況,再者,說明美國區分化教師評 鑑的實施狀況。
最後,從區分化教師評鑑的觀點,提出我國教師專業發展評鑑規劃與實施的 策略:(1)根據學校目標與發展,設計校本評鑑推動進程;(2)體認教師差 異,建構區分且適配評鑑系統;(3)參照教師教學,發展與運用適性評鑑標準; (4)結合區分化專業發展,實踐教學專業社群。


Differentiation is the key concept of high quality teacher evaluation. The purpose of this article was to analyze the situation of Teacher Professional Development Evaluation Program developed by Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Also, the related concept and examples of differentiated teacher evaluation in American were mentioned.
After discussing the related concepts about differentiated teacher evaluation and Teacher Professional Development Evaluation Program, the article provided some strategies to plan and implement the Teacher Professional Development Evaluation Program in Taiwan.
