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篇名 人才培育,向下紮根--「適性揚才」理念如何落實?
卷期 680
並列篇名 Nurturing Talents, Building the Base--Ways to Achieve Talent Development
作者 郭靜姿
頁次 002-009
關鍵字 人才培育適性揚才區分性教學支持系統資優教育nurturing talentstalent developmentdifferentiated instructionsupporting systemgifted and talented education
出刊日期 201304


本文旨由教育的觀點出發,探討人才培育的紮根基礎。作者於文中強調區分性教學知能為影響「適性揚才」理念達成之關鍵。文中除由優秀人才培育的作法提供他山之石外,並就各領域資優與特殊才能學生所需之區分性教育服務建構一個多元而一貫的安置模式;另外,作者也指出現階段國內在普通班實施區分性教學之困難與所欠缺之支持系統;最後,作者於文末就打造一個「適性揚才」的支持系統提出四點建議:1. 強化課程的分殊性,2.改善中小學研究環境及各項職業教育設備,3. 加強區分性教學的知能,4. 建構才能發展的支持系統。


This study provided an educational perspective to nurture talents. Differentiated instruction was highlighted by the author. Several practices on talent development from other countries were examples for reference and a model of educational services for gifted and talented students was proposed. On the other hand, the present status and difficulties of differentiated instruction in the regular classroom and weak supporting systems were discussed. Four directions for improving differentiated education were concluded as follows: 1.Strengthening differentiated curriculum design, 2.Enriching research environment for academically talented students and improving vocational educational equipments for students with other special talents, 3.Increasing teachers' knowledge and skills to implement differentiated instruction, and 4.Building a better support system for talent development.
