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篇名 中學數學實習教師之數學教學概念心像探究-以學生數學思考面向爲例
卷期 63:3
並列篇名 Mathematics Intern Teachers' Mental Images for Mathematics Teaching: Students’ Mathematical Thinking in Classroom
作者 謝佳叡
頁次 048-067
關鍵字 數學思考數學教學概念心像數學實習教師Concept Image for Mathematics TeachingMathematics ThinkingMathematics Intern Teacher
出刊日期 201209


在觀察教師課堂工作時,不難發現教師們必須在短時間内做出大量的決策以便解決課堂 上所發生的各項狀況,不禁令人好奇,教師進行教學決策之依據為何?本研究則試圖從數學 教學概念心像(Concept Image for Mathematics Teaching)的角度切入,探討臺灣中學數學實 習教師在面對數學教學情境問題時,所展現出的教學決策其背後之依據;更具體地說,本研 究試圖透過實習教師對於教學情境問題的反應,推測其數學教學概念心像的内涵與結構。
在各個不同的教學面向中,本文特別從學生數學思考面向著眼,檢視中學數學實習教師 在面對教學問題時所喚起之數學教學概念心像,以及其與教學決策之間的關聯。研究發現大 多數中學數學實習教師肯定學生思考在數學課堂上所扮演的角色,然而,當他們面對教學問 題時,這些實習教師並不常喚起「讓學生思考」的概念心像以作為教學決策的依據,此現象 反映在教學情境問題的回應上則表現出他們很少給予學生思考的機會與時間。研究也發現多 數展現學生思考心像的實習教師同時也經常伴隨著學生數學認知發展心像的產生。


When observing teachers working, we will find that they must make the large number of decisions to deal with the situations that take place in a few moments. Based on the idea “concept image for mathematics teaching (CIMT),,,the study was to investigate the bases on which secondary school mathematics intern teachers in Taiwan choose strategies when facing teaching tasks.
This paper focuses on the concept of student’ s mathematics thinking in the mathematics classroom, as well as examines what kind of CIMT is evoked when mathematics intern teachers face the tasks related to students’ mathematical thinking. We found that even mathematics intern teachers do know how important “student thinking” is for mathematics-learning, they do not usually evoke the image of “make students think” as their bases of teaching strategy when facing teaching situation. In other words, they barely give students opportunities and time to think in the classroom. The study also found that most mathematics intern teachers who evoke the image of student thinking usually evoke the image of students' cognitive development at the same time.
