
Asia Pacific Management Review ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 探討大陸台商在印刷電路板產業投資地區之關聯性 一運用關聯規則方法
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Analyzing Investment Regions in Mainland China for Taiwanese Firms by Association Rule Mining
作者 胡宜中林震岩林雅惠
頁次 143-160
關鍵字 關聯規則印刷電路板產業投資地區台商大陸Association rulesprinted circuit board industryinvestment regionTaiwanese businessChinaScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201306


大陸現在為全球提供印刷電路板產能最大,產業鏈也最完整的國家,而台商是所有生產者中最 主要的供應者。在投資的過程中,廠商可能因為佈局失誤而錯失機會,所以本研究想藉由已知的投 資訊息中挖掘與預測那些地區對於台商來說,值得深耕佈局與具有發展潛能。本研究嘗試運用資料 探勘的關聯規則方法,找出台商在大陸投資PCB上中下游產業地區的關聯性。分析資料從經濟新 報資料庫中萃取出台商赴大陸投資PCB產業的上市櫃公司進行研究分析。本研究整理出關聯規則 的判斷準則,主要發現結果有,對於上中游廠商,昆山、蘇州、深圳為目前投資重鎮;下游廠商則 在上海的投資比重最高。對於上中游廠商,常熟是昆山和蘇州投資飽和之後,另一個台商值得擴展 投資的地區;上游廠商除了常熟,中山和廣州也是可擴展投資的地區;中游廠商則可以選擇常熟和 東莞深耕。這些研究結果將可做為台商投資佈局的參考依據。


Mainland China has the largest production capacity for printed circuit board (PCB) globally, as well as the most complete supply chain. Taiwanese businesses are the main supplier in the Chinese PCB supply chain. Based on the existing investment data, this study aims to explore and forecast the areas which are worth developing for Taiwanese PCB businesses. Through the association rules to explore data, this research intends to identify the association among the PCB industrial areas in which Taiwanese businesses are invested. Data for this study are obtained from the Taiwan Economic Journal to analyze Taiwan Stock Exchange Companies and over-the-counter-listed firms on PCB investment by Taiwanese businesses in Mainland China. The main findings include that Kunshan, Suzhou, and Shenzhen are the investment focus for the upstream and mid-stream manufacturers, and the investment level in Shanghai is higher than in the other places for the downstream manufacturers. For the upstream and mid-stream manufacturers, Changshu is another area worthy of investment for firms. Changshu and Dongguan can be the choice for the midstream manufacturers. The research results can serve as a valuable reference for Taiwanese businesses.
