
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 大法官規範審查程序中「擴張審理標的」之研究--以「重要關聯性」的探究為中心--
卷期 24:4
並列篇名 A Study on the “extended judicial review”in the Grand Justice Regulatory Disposition Procedure-- Focusing on the “Significant Nexus Test”--
作者 吳信華
頁次 001-063
關鍵字 大法官憲法訴訟人民聲請釋憲重要關聯性實質援用訴外裁判Grand JusticeConstitutional litigationjudicial review brought by a citizen significant nexus testactual invocationjudgment beyond the compass of justiciability TSSCI
出刊日期 201304




The procedure of judicial interpretation by the Grand Justice, in essence, should be carried out to review all kinds of cases on the types and elements of legal litigation before deciding whether to accept the claim and the scope of the petition. However, in the current practice of the Judicial Interpretation, the Grand Justice sometimes extend the judicial review beyond the claim and scope, which is against the rules of constitutional interpretation. To justify such practice, the Grand Justice has based their reasoning on the grounds of " substantially related" and "substantially cited and invoked". However, these created concepts are not explicitly interpreted and have been inconsistently applied. Therefore, many controversies in theory and practice are generated, such as the connotations of such concepts and the justification of the Grand Justice to conduct the extended judicial review. The research theme of this article is thus the "extended review" of the Grand Justice, focusing on the most commonly used justification for the practice -- "substantially related". After a thorough literature review on related theories and practice, arguments and analyses of this article are based on theories of constitutional litigation. It leads to the finding that "substantially related" and similar concepts are not appropriate criteria for conducting a " extended judicial review". Instead, The core issue shall be to accurately clarify the procedural elements of various petitions for a Judicial Interpretation. For instance, in the case of " citizens' petitions for a constitutional interpretation", it is essential to identify the involved "law and order applied by the final and binding judgment". On the other hand, the "judges' petitions for a constitutional interpretation" required for a clear definition of what is " substantially related to judgment". After elaborating the concerned issues, this article probes relevant aspects of "substantially cited and invoked" as well as examines the relevance between "extended judicial review" and "judicial interpretation beyond the contexts of petition" in the constitutional interpretation procedure. The theoretical perspectives proposed earlier are then invoked to examine the concerned Grand Justice Interpretations, followed by concluding remarks and concrete recommendations of the author
