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篇名 嬰兒潮世代的學習需求及方案規劃:以教育與休閒複合式黃金年華住宅為例
卷期 20
並列篇名 Learning Needs and Program Planning for Baby Boomers Living in Golden Years Residential
作者 黃富順林麗惠吳淑娟
頁次 119-149
關鍵字 嬰兒潮世代學習需求黃金年華住宅baby boomerslearning needsgolden years residential
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.3966/181880012013060020004




In view of the aging population trend, elder learning and successful aging got epochal meaning. Successful aged communities will become the future significant development, especially for the present and future growing compound residential for golden years. So, it's really important to explore the housing needs and learning demands of elderly residents. Literature review on housing needs, learning needs and program planning for elders should be done first. That's why we interviewed the personnel and elderly residents in Taiwan's top ten residential institutions to realize their operational status, advantages and disadvantages, and living needs, preferences and learning activities of elderly residents. At last, questionnaire survey was adopted to explore the learning needs and housing demands of those who living in the retirement community residents. Five factors of housing needs were extracted after pre-test questionnaire analysis, including personal health and safety, community activities, external links, community assessment, and family relations. The valid sample for formal test was consisted of 571 copies, and the objects were quite representative which included modern Taiwan Top 10 health and general nursing residential house. Combining qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results, there are nine findings, and nine conclusions and four recommendations based on findings.
