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篇名 訪談課程對泰雅族國中生訊息溝通能力與文化認同之影響
卷期 24:1
並列篇名 Effects of an Interview Course on the Information Communication and Cultural Identity of Atayal Junior High School Students
作者 鄭舒方吳昭容
頁次 001-023
關鍵字 口語表達文化認同泰雅族國中生訪談oral expressioncultural identityAtayaljunior high school studentinterviewTSSCI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.3966/102711202013062401001




Effective communication of information is based on oral expression and knowledge-organization skills. This study focused on how an interview program enhances the interview skills and cultural identity of Atayal junior high school students. The pretest-posttest nonequivalent group experimental design was chosen. The pretest data showed that: (1) the average number of questions per minute was higher; (2) a quarter of interview questions were unrelated to the subject; (3) three-quarters of interview questions were closed questions; (4) no interview purpose was set. For most students, a successful interview was perceived as one in which all questions were asked, or frequent interaction. This result showed that students do not understand that an interview is a process of information collection. The posttest data indicated that most interview skills of the experimental group were enhanced, but the difference between the 2 groups was not apparent. Both groups noted interviewees' responses and incorporated this information into their conversation. Although the groups showed no difference in oral expression, the experimental group improved the richness of content and ability to control the interview process. During discussion and practice in the interview program, the experimental group not only learned to use exact words to complete questions, but also rediscovered their cultural identity by connecting with people who had a comprehensive cultural knowledge of Atayal.
