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篇名 走出「拆散時代」: 論章太炎辛亥後儒學觀念的轉變
卷期 9
並列篇名 Emerging from an Age of Disorder: On the Transition in Zhang Taiyan’s Confucian Thought Following the Xinhai Revolution
作者 江湄
頁次 169-212
關鍵字 章太炎回真向俗儒學齊物辛亥士風Zhang Taiyan 章太炎intellectual transitionConfucianism“Qiwu”齊物the Ethos of the XinHai 辛亥 Revolutionary eraTHCI
出刊日期 201306


本文將章太炎「回真向俗」之變後對儒學傳統的「回歸」理解和 定義為他對時代危機的感受、把握和克服。經「回真向俗」之變,章 太炎在「齊物」哲學的指導下,肯定「分殊」的「言文一歷史」世界 及其「諸法」的有限實在性,對儒學進行了一番重新定義、闡釋和安 排,他把儒學規定為以「世法」化民成俗的「師儒之學」,並在這個 意義上重新肯定了儒學維護「此土」生活世界的價值,為「拆散時代」 之後的日用人生指示大道。章太炎所親歷的辛亥士風、新文化運動之 後的學風與士風、三十年代的民族危機構成了章太炎儒學觀念轉變和 重新形成的重要外緣。


Following the second transition in his thought, Zhang Taiyan 章太 炎 returned to the Confucian tradition. Adopting the perspective of Zhuangzi’s “Equalizing Things” (Qiwu 齊物),Zhang admitted the reality of the individual “linguistic-cultural- historical” world and its laws. He thereupon proceeded to redefine and reinterpret Confucianism. As part of this redefinition and reinterpretation, Zhang sought to construct a social morality suitable for a period following an age of disorder and revolution. The ethos of the era that witnessed the XinHai 辛亥 Revolution, the New Culture Movement and the national crisis of the 1930s thus contributed to the transformation of Zhang Taiyan’s Confucian thought.
