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篇名 個人資料保護脈絡下的「綑綁式同意」
卷期 24:1
並列篇名 Bundled Consent in the Context of Data Protection
作者 李婉萍
頁次 018-041
關鍵字 同意綑綁式同意個人資料隱私定型化契約條款consentbundled consentdata protectionprivacystandard clause
出刊日期 201201


事業所尋求的「綑綁式同意」,綑綁了其相對人對契約締結以及對(與該契約無涉之)相對 人之個人資料運用之允諾。「綑綁式同意」相關問題在台灣尙未見足夠討論,例如此類同意是 否符合同意之本質,以及此類同意在個人資料保護法的脈絡下應否被認爲是有效的同意等問 題,均値得再加深究。本文借助國際上相關討論與規定以及同意之理論,試就「綑綁式同意」 相關問題予以回應。


Bundled consent (also called "tied consent,')sought bundles together of assent to a wide range of collection, processing, and use of personal information with assent to the conclusion of a contract. In Taiwan, bundled consent is one issue that needs further exploration. Questions such as whether a bundled consent could possibly be of the quality of consent, and whether a bundled consent could be considered valid by Taiwan's Personal Information Protection Act, need to be further discussed. The contribution as an effort for the discussion observes the opinions about the issue from other countries, and applies the theory of consent to answer the said questions.
