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篇名 以日本經驗論我國智慧社區政策應有之取向
卷期 24:12
並列篇名 The Orientation of the Smart Community Policy From Japanese Experience
作者 王牧寰
頁次 031-047
關鍵字 智慧社區能源管理系統交通管理系統Smart CommunityEnergy Management System Traffic Management SystemEnergy Information and Communication Technology
出刊日期 201212


日本的智慧社區政策係以能源角度切入,並以各能源管理系統與交通系統爲主。日本政府 所選定的四個實證區各有特色,並透過多樣的技術組合與搭配,進行各種可能性之實驗。本文 考察日本經驗,針對我國正積極開展智慧社區之實證計畫,提出建言。在整體出發點方面,建 議應注意台灣能源需求與地理環境和日本之異同。在技術面,則應著重各技術整合,規劃適切 技術路線;應儘速進行傳輸介面之標準化,與國際接軌。在制度面,則可考量導入浮動電價,並加強台電自有光纖碁盤之整備。在實證區實際推行面,除確保多項之技術組合與搭配外,應 確保適足樣本數與商業模式可行,並結合我國際旣有能源資通訊示範計畫,擴大實驗規模。


It is the energy issue with kinds of energy management systems (EMSs) and traffic management systems that Japanese government's insight into the smart community policy is. Each of four experimental cities chosen by Japanese government is specific with diversity technology portfolios and experiments. Well,in the smart community experiment project, Japanese experience serves as a reference for Taiwan. In the technical aspect, technology Integration, technology roadmap and standardization are top priorities. In the institutional aspect, dynamic prices in electronic retail market and ensuring reliability of Taipower’s fiber infrastructure are the most important. In the aspect of enforcement, this study suggest that Taiwanese government ensure plural technology portfolios, sufficient samples,feasibility of business models and combination with relevant incumbent experiment project of energy information and communication technology (EICT).
