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篇名 食用香蕉導致全身性過敏反應:一個案報告曁文獻回顧
卷期 20:3
並列篇名 Anaphylaxis after eating banana 一 a case report and literature review
作者 孫于珊楊惠芳王映權高東烽陳永煌江昇達
頁次 167-171
關鍵字 全身性過敏反應過敏性休克香蕉過敏水果過敏anaphylaxisanaphylactic shockbanana allergyfruit allergyTSCI
出刊日期 201307


全身性過敏反應(Anaphylaxis)是一種可能危及生命的疾病。通常引發全身性過敏反應 的食物以花生堅果類、有殼海鮮、牛奶、蛋等較為常見,水果則以奇異果、芒果、番茄、 草莓等較為常見。其引發機制是外界某些抗原性物質進入已致敏(previously sensitization)的 人體後,而產生的系統性過敏反應,會影響全身的器官,若無妥善治療,可能會在幾分鐘 内導致死亡。過敏性休克的免疫機轉是免疫球蛋白E抗體(IgE antibody)接觸到組織肥胖細 胞(mast cell)或周邊血液中嗜驗細胞(basophil),而使之釋放出大量強力免疫介質,所造成的 立即性全身性過敏反應。本文報告一罕見22歲男性因食用香蕉而造成過敏性休克的案例, 並回顧相關文獻,以期能使臨床醫師對此類案例能有更深入了解。


Anaphylaxis, an acute and potentially lethal multisystem allergic reaction, is almost unavoidable in medical practice. Most anaphylaxis episodes are triggered through an immunologic mechanism involving IgE. Foods, medications and insect are the most common trigger.
We present a rare case of a 22-year-old man, who developed an anaphylactic reaction following banana ingestion, and make a review. It is expected that, on the basis of the related literature, this article could provide more information for health care professionals who be able to recognize the signs of anaphylaxis, treat an episode promptly and appropriately, and be able to provide preventive recommendations.
