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篇名 國民中小學教師組織公民行為研究之後設分析
卷期 27
並列篇名 A Meta-Analysis of the Studies on Elementary and Secondary Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
作者 高家斌蘇玲慧
頁次 073-107
關鍵字 組織公民行為教師組織公民行為後設分析organizational citizenship behaviorteachers' organizational citizenship behaviormeta-analysis
出刊日期 201306


本研究旨在整合國民中小學教師組織公民行為之實證研究結果,以國內博碩學位論文為主,篩選符合標準之量化論文研究共計39 篇,探討教育人員個人背景變項對於教師組織公民行為之差異,使用Comprehensive Meta-analysis 2.0 進行後設分析。後設分析結果:一、男性教育人員的組織公民行為知覺高於女性教育人員;二、教育人員之年齡對於教師組織公民行為無顯著差異;三、教育人員之教育程度為研究所以上組的教師組織公民行為知覺高於大學專科以下組;四、職務為教師兼行政組的組織公民行為知覺高於一般教師組;五、服務年資超過十年以上組高於年資為十年以下組。


This study aims to integrate the results from empirical studies on elementary and secondary teachers' organizational citizenship behaviors. Masters' theses and doctoral dissertations are the main sources of this study. After selection, there are 39 qualified quantitative studies, which investigate the influence of demographic factors of teachers on their organizational citizenship behaviors. Comprehensive Meta-analysis 2.0 is used to conduct the meta-analysis. The results from the meta-analysis are: 1) male teachers have higher level of awareness of organizational citizenship behavior than their female counterparts; 2) age of teachers has no significant relationship with teachers' organizational citizenship behaviors; 3) teachers with graduate qualifications have higher awareness of organizational citizenship behaviors than those with university degrees or lower qualifications; 4) teachers with both teaching and administrative duties have higher awareness of organizational citizenship behaviors than ordinary teachers; 5) teachers with longer than 10 years of service have higher awareness of organizational citizenship behaviors than their less experienced counterparts.
