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篇名 說故事能力培育課程之探究
卷期 27
並列篇名 A Study on Storytelling Competence Training Program
作者 潘世尊
頁次 139-171
關鍵字 故事說故事說故事培訓課程storystorytellingtraining program for storytelling
出刊日期 201306


說故事於兒童教保實務,具許多功效。說故事能力培訓課程,因而應成為兒童教保人員培育課程之重要一環。然而,國內目前較缺乏以此為探究焦點之研究成果。有鑑於此,本研究試著針對說故事能力培育課程加以探究。除探討相關文獻,研究者還透過小組座談與問卷,蒐集若干學者專家(含大學教師與兒童教保實務工作者)之口頭與書面意見,且針對一個系之說故事能力培育課程與檢定機制加以檢討,以使研究結果更為周延可行,並提醒兒童教保人員培育機構避免出現類似問題。最終,研究者就說故事能力培育課程之課程目標、內容與實施原則,以及說故事能力檢定之進行等向度,具體提出結論和建議。 這些結論與建議涵蓋說故事能力培育課程之核心向度,可供兒童教保人員培育機構參考。


Storytelling has numerous applications for childcare and education. Therefore, storytelling competence training is an important element of training for childcare and education practitioners. However, extant research on storytelling competence training is extremely rare in Taiwan. Thus, this study examines storytelling competence training program. Besides referencing relevant literature, the author collected oral and written perspectives from a number of scholars and experts, including university professors and childcare and education practitioners, using group discussion and questionnaire. By reviewing existing training program and mechanism for examining storytelling competence of a department, he can increase the rationality and practicality of the results, enabling childcare and education training institutes to avoid similar problems. Finally, the author presents his conclusions and recommendations regarding the aim, content, and implementation principles of storytelling competence training program and storytelling competence examination. These conclusions and recommendations comprise the core of storytelling competence training program; therefore, they can provide a reference for childcare and education training institutes.
