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篇名 國民小學校長科技領導與學生學習表現關係之研究:以學校ICT運用為中介變項
卷期 27
並列篇名 The Study on the Relationship between Principals' Technology Leadership and Student Learning Achievement in Elementary School-School ICT Use as a Mediator
作者 謝傳崇蕭文智
頁次 291-324
關鍵字 校長科技領導學校ICT(資訊通信科技)運用學生學習表現technology leadershipschool ICT usestudent learning achievement
出刊日期 201306




The study empirically investigates the relationship among principals' technology leadership, school ICT use, and student learning achievement. The survey subjects were elementary school educators across Taiwan area. The study issued a total of 1080 questionnaires, with the return rate of 77.13%, among which 810 questionnaires were valid. Teachers were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of technology leadership, school ICT use, and student learning achievement. This study used structural equation modeling with prospective data to test for model fit. The findings indicate that principals' technology leadership positively affects school ICT use. Furthermore, school ICT use directly affects student learning achievement. Principals' technology leadership also positively influences their student learning achievement. The results suggest that the principal should implement technology leadership to accelerate ICT use in school operation in order to improve student learning achievement.
