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篇名 析論文獻探討在科展指導的角色
卷期 11
並列篇名 Inquirying the Role of Literature Review on the Science Fair Works
作者 傅秀蘭
頁次 016-041
關鍵字 文獻探討科展指導教師專業發展創新性實務知識literature reviewthe instructing of science fairsteacher professional developmentinnovationthe knowledge of practice
出刊日期 201303


本文旨在析論科展作品文獻與文獻探討歷程,在學生科展研究與教師科展指導專業發展歷程所 扮演之角色。示例對「翻硬幣」主題進行歷屆科展作品之文獻探討,其關注焦點可為:進入研究主題 的開端、研究問題的界定與解決取徑,以及獲致成果的特色,並能從中瞭解此主題研究現況與可繼續 探究的方向,以供教師指導科展及發展個人科展專業知識時參考。
因為在翻硬幣主題科展得獎作品報告書中,文獻探討主要作用於引起研究動機階段,且研究方 法取徑未參照文獻者,較具發展潛力。故進一步剖析科展指導教師和學者,對文獻探討在科展研究歷 程必要性的看法,以及已有豐富研究成果主題之探究潛力等科展指導實務。
分析發現,學生不易獨力研讀理解文獻而需指導老師介入協助,且未參照前人研究歷程時,較 能發揮學生個人特質、展現創意。故教師指導科展時,不必堅持學生必先瞭解前人研究成果。已有豐 碩研究成果的主題,可提供較多與主題相關的學科知識與研究方法資料,有益指導教師發展科展指導 專業知識;只要能適合學生個人學習需要、激起強烈的研究興趣•教師仍可採用適當策略(如:$專換 解釋架構)來指導學生,不預設研究取徑和目標,便能讓師生在科展活動中,共同體驗發現與突破的 科學歷程。


This research aimed at clarifying the role of literature review on the science fair works. As in the example of the National Science fair works inquirying the subject of tumning-coins-head-to-tail,the author suggested how literature review goes to inform teachers on the instructing of science fairs.
The role of literature review emerged mainly in the early stage of the relevant Science fair works. The necessity of literature review, the achievement potential of a rich awared subject, and the instructing practice for acquiring works of higher quality were all discussed.
The results indicated that the students had great difficulty in literature review and needed teachers’ assistance. In addition, it seemed as if works with less literature review acquired the higher personalized innovation. It was suggested that it is not necessary to insist on literature review as the first step of conducting a successful science fair work as well as that a rich awared subject still keeps the value of helping students to leam and the potential for innovation. With appropriate breakthrough strategy, the teacher and students involved would experience the progress of science discovery and innovation.
