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篇名 圖像化識字策略教學在不同媒材下對國小識字困難兒童識字成效之研究
卷期 2011
並列篇名 The Research of the Effect on Pictographic Words Instruction with Different Media for Elementary School Students with Word Recognition Difficulties
作者 林佳儀詹士宜
頁次 299-330
關鍵字 教學媒材互動式電子白板識字困難兒童圖像化識字教學識字教學instructional mediainteractive whiteboardstudents with word recognition difficultiespictorgraphic word instructionword recognition
出刊日期 201112


本研究旨在探討應用不同教學媒材之圖像化識字策略對國小識字困難兒童識字之成效,研究樣本選自高雄市一所國小四年級之三名識字困難學生。本研究採單一受試之交替處理設計,研究以圖像化識字策略分別結合互動式電子白板、電腦螢幕以及黑板等三種媒材,分成三組進行十八次交替處理教學,每週三節,每節四十分鐘。介入教學後,以「看字讀音」、「字形辨識」、「聽寫目標字」及「選字填句」四個分測驗所組成之「整體識字表現」評量教學成效。本研究結果顯示: 一、應用不同教學媒材之圖像化識字策略對國小識字困難兒童在「整體識字成效」的表現上,皆具有立即成效。 二、不同教學媒材之圖像化識字策略對國小識字困難兒童之介入成效以「互動式電子白板教學」最佳,「電腦螢幕教學」次佳,「黑板教學」仍具有效果,但成效不若前兩項明顯。 根據上述研究結果,研究者分別對教學與未來研究提出建議。


The study was aimed to investigate the effects of applying different instructional media with pictographic words for elementary school students who had difficulties in word recognition. A single-subject research method was adopted in this study. Subjects were three fourth graders with word recognition problems from an elementary school in Kaohsiung city. The participants received total eighteen interventions with pictographic word recognition instruction via different instructional media: interactive whiteboard, computer, and a blackboard respectively. An alternating treatment design was used to compare the performance of on pictographic word recognition instruction with different instructional media. The major findings were summarized as follows: 1. There were positive and lasting effects for elementary school students with word recognition difficulties on total word recognition performance through pictographic words instruction with three selected media. 2. Among the three selected media for pictographic word recognition instruction with interactive whiteboard was evaluated as the most effective way to enhance the subjects’ word recognition performances, followed by the computer and the blackboard. Finally, based on the research findings, some suggestions were provided for pedagogical practices and further studies.

