
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 全盲大學畢業生就業轉銜目標發展與就業轉銜需求之探究
卷期 33
並列篇名 The Development of Job Goals and the Needs of School-to-Work Transition in College Graduates with Total Blindness
作者 吳佳蒨張千惠
頁次 053-085
關鍵字 全盲大學畢業生刻板印象就業轉銜需求college graduates with total blindnessstereotypesthe needs of school-to-work transitionTSSCI
出刊日期 201208


本研究旨在探究全盲大學畢業生就業轉銜目標發展之因素與就業轉銜需求。研究者以多次且長時間 (前後十四個月)的深入訪談方式,訪問3位全盲大學畢業生及其8位重要相關人士。本研究發現, 影響受訪者就業轉銜目標發展的主因為:刻板印象及自我決策之信念。刻板印象是指,一般社會大 眾認為視障者只能從事按摩或點字校對等傳統行業。同時本研究亦發現,研究參與者的就業轉銜需 求包括:(1)培養專業工作技能(例:從事點字校對所需具備之專業工作技能為點字摸讀及點字校 對能力),與核心就業技能(例:溝通能力、自我決策能力、與積極工作態度);(2)需要接受職務 再設計之服務,包括:視力協助員,盲用電腦輔具,調整工作方式及改善工作環境(出差單電子化、 無障礙就業考試環境、參與不需視力的工作,例:與同事一起搬運重物)、營造無障礙之心理及物理 工作環境、提供點字或有聲專業書籍及網路硬碟);(3)需要培養獨立上下班之行動能力;以及(4) 需要從事休間活動。最後,本文亦說明研究限制與建議未來研究方向。


Taichung Municipal Li-Ming Junior High School National Taiwan Normal University
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore factors that might impact the development of job goals and the needs of school-to-work transition in college graduates with total blindness. Multiple semi-structured interviews were conducted (during 14 months) with 3 college graduates with total blindness, and their 8 significant others. The major findings indicated that the ability of making selfdetermination, and “stereotype” (meaning that blind people can only do some traditional jobs such as being massage therapists or Braille proof readers) were the major factors that influenced the participants' development of job goals. Additionally, the participants' needs for transition consisted of: (a) professional skills that were required by a certain job such as skills for proof-reading texts in braille, and prerequisite skills that could be applied to all kinds of jobs, for example, skills for communication, selfdetermination, and positive work attitude; (b) job accommodation, including assistants for visual tasks, assistive technology devices, adjusting work processes and improving work environments, barrier-free work environments, professional audio-books and books in braille; (c) mobility skills for independent commuting; and (d) leisure skills. Finally, the limitation of the study and the future research directions were discussed.
