
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 受督者知覺有益學習的督導關係內涵之探究
卷期 33
並列篇名 Supervisees,Perceptions of Helpful Supervisory
作者 吳秀碧
頁次 087-118
關鍵字 受督者現場督導督導督導者督導關係團體諮商領導者諮商督導counseling supervisiongroup counselingleaderliving supervisionsuperviseesupervisionsupervisorsupervisory relationshipTSSCI
出刊日期 201208


本研究旨在探討受督者知覺有益學習的督導關係之内函,俾便作為督導者教育與督導實務之參考。 本研究採取質化研究方法,並以特殊化的方法,訪談10名博士生受督者,就其認為有益學習經驗的 督導關係中,對於督導者的吸引力、值得信賴和專業素養等三方面的知覺。結果發現,有益學習的 督導關係之内涵,在吸引力、值得信賴和專業素養等三方面,共得79個類別的要素。再依各要素之 性質彙整歸納後,最後粹取出「督導工作」和「個人特質」兩個主題。在督導工作方面,共包括六 大類別的要素,督導者個人特質方面則有十五類要素。除各要素之影響作用有別之外,不同的受督 者在某些相同要素所知覺的影響,為具有吸引力、或值得信賴、或具專業素養也不盡相同,顯示各 要素之影響力具主觀性。此外,由於本研究使用較有經驗的受督者與較資深的督導者,以及現場督 導情境,因而也發現一部分過去研究較少見的要素。


The purpose of this study was to explore how supervisees perceived and interpreted the helpful supervisory relationship. The qualitative research method was applied to interview ten doctoral level supervisees who were supervised by a senior supervisor. Based on Strong theory (Strong, 1968)[HL1], the supervisor was perceived as attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertness in a helpful supervisory relationship. Each supervisee was interviewed according to a Guided Inquiry which was a semi-structured open-ended questionnaire. Each interview was completed a week later after the termination of supervision. The results indicated that those elements contributed to helpful supervisory relationship were grouped into two dimensions. Six elements were categorized in the supervisory interventions dimension and fifteen elements were categorized in the supervisor characters dimension. Since we used the advanced supervisees and expert supervisor in this study, some elements derived from this study were hardly found in the previous research. Implications and suggestions were provided at the end.
