
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 敘事取向諮商師運用敘事概念後生命經驗改變歷程之研究
卷期 33
並列篇名 The Transforming Process of the Narrative Counselor After Practicing the Concepts of Narrative Counseling
作者 張琦芳金樹人
頁次 119-153
關鍵字 生命經驗改變歷程敘事諮商諮商師發展counselor developmentlife experiencesnarrative counselingtransforming processTSSCI
出刊日期 201208


本研究旨在探討敘事取向諮商師運用敘事概念後生命經驗的改變歷程。研究者以三位敘事取向諮商 師為訪談對象,採取敘說研究法之「整體一内容」分析,探究敘事取向諮商師運用敘事概念後的改 變歷程,並進一步瞭解其對於自身改變歷程的理解與再敘說。研究結果發現:(一)敘事取向諮商師 運用敘事概念後的改變歷程如同V的循環改變歷程:以外在的學習為起點,向内觸碰個人生命經驗’ 再向外化為所用。研究參與者的轉變内涵,包含以下數點:(1 )由「諮商師」到「全人」;(2)從理 論到「人師」;(3)諮商師角色與態度的轉變;(4)正向自我認同的建構歷程;(5)以「個人認同」 為體,「專業認同」為用;(6)透過重要他人的見證與回饋,鞏固自我新故事;以及(7)由技巧到精神, 再到技巧。(二)敘事取向諮商師對自身改變歷程的理解與再敘說可分為以下三個層次:(1)見證已 知:過去主線故事的豐厚與再確認;(2)發現未知與新知:支線故事的浮現與新知的建構,創造現 在的發展;以及(3)指引未來:以現下的見證與發現作為支點,舉起未來的方向。最後,提出本研 究的限制及具體建議,以做為未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study aimed at understanding the transforming process of the narrative counselor after practicing the narrative concepts. The study adopts the holistic-content method of narrative research. The researcher had interviewed three narrative counselors. By analyzing their stories, the researcher looks into the effects that the narrative counseling has on them, and tries to understand how they interpret and re-narrative those changes happening to them.Several findings are as follows: (1)The transforming process of the narrative counselor after practicing the narrative concepts is similar to our writing of the letter “V”: This process starts from the counselor’s “learning from the outside”,then gradually he/she turns inwards to personal life experience, finally he/she merges the two to create a new way to interact with the world. The transformation contents are as follows: (a)The change from a “counselor” to a “complete person”. (b)The change from “learning from theory” to “learning from people”. (c)The transformation of the counselor’s role and attitude. (d)The construction process of the positive self-identity. (e)The development of “personal identity” and its extension as “professional identity”. (f)The witness provided by the feedback from important others and client can help sustain the re-writing process of one’ s own story. (g)The shift of focus from skills to values and the development of new skills based on these values. (2)The interpretation and re-narrating of a narrative counselor’s transforming process by him/ herself can be divided into three layers: (a) to prove the already known, (b) to discover the unknown,
and (c) pointing to the future.In the end, the study limitations and implications are provided for further research.
