
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 以「疏離」自「惘惘的威脅」中出走:張愛玲的心理傳記
卷期 34
並列篇名 "Alienation" as A Way Out of "Threat of Desolate" : A Psychobiography of Eileen Chang
作者 張慈宜丁興Shing-Shiang Ting祥
頁次 019-052
關鍵字 人格心理治療心理傳記家庭familypersonalitypsychobiographyreatmentTSSCI
出刊日期 201212


本文以心理傳記學的取向,針對近代重要文學作家張愛玲的生命進行探究。張愛玲的文學創作經常 籠罩在一種荒涼/蒼涼的意境之下,除了極少數的例外,她的人物總是在經歷各種掙扎與奮鬥之後, 迎接令人失望的結局。為什麼張愛玲的作品人物費盡心力的掙扎最後總歸於徒勞?藝術創作的母題 並非憑空出現,經常與創作者本人的生命歷程有高度的關連性。本研究藉由解答此一創作謎團的過 程,逐步揭露張愛玲早年生活中與父親、母親(特別是母親)之間的愛恨糾葛,如何對張愛玲的精 神生活帶來騷亂與傷痛,又如何進而發展出精神分析學者Homey所謂的疏離型人格。鑑於心理傳記 學在國内仍是一門新興發展中的學問,本文亦針對心理傳記學的宗旨與方法做了初步的介紹。另外, 我們也針對本研究之探究成果對於人格理論,及諮商、治療實務層面可能產生的貢獻或啟發進行討 論,最後並提出我們的建議。


This study was designed to explore the life of an important modern literature writer Eileen Chang using an psychobiography approach. The work of Eileen Chang is often shrouded in a desolate atmosphere. With very few exceptions, her characters are always struggling and fighting to earn a better life, but are encountered with futile results. Why are the characters of Eileen Chang devoting themselves to something that seems hopeless? The motifs of works do not appear out of thin air; instead, they are often highly related to the writer's own life course. This research provided answers to the mystery of creation, and revealed the life of Eileen Chang's early years with her parents (especially the mother) which were full of love-hate ambivalence. It also showed how the ambivalent feelings brought about disturbances and spiritual pain, and how Eileen Chang developed the detached personality described in Horney’s psychoanalytic theory. Because psychobiography is a relatively new approach in Taiwan, this article began with the introduction of the purposes and methods of psychobiography. Relevant personality and counseling theories, as well as recommendations for interventions were also discussed.
