
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 艾莉風災中國中原住民學生的創傷、因應與復原歷程分析—以學校為基礎的災後心理復原工作
卷期 35
並列篇名 Junior High School Students’ Psychological Recovery after Ay-Li Typhoon: A School-Based Case Study
作者 謝淑敏
頁次 001-038
關鍵字 天然災難心理創傷經驗災後心理輔導復原力disasterPTSDrehabilitationTSSCI
出刊日期 201304


本研究採質性研究法,探討艾莉風災中國中原住民學生的創傷、因應與復原歷程。研究者於民國93 年八月參與艾莉風災的災後心理輔導工作,並於風災20個月後重回災區,了解在風災中有創傷經驗 的原住民學生因應與復原歷程。本研究欲回答以下問題:(1 )風災後國中學生對風災的傷害和困境 的主觀經驗為何;(2)風災後學生的身心復原狀況及得到的協助為何;(3)災後原住民學生的因應 與調適歷程為何?原住民文化與族群的影響為何?研究對象為7名經歷家屋毀損、親人死亡的國中 學生及2名陪伴學生走過風災的國中教師,經半結構訪談後,以架構取向(Framework Approach) 質的分析方式進行資料分析,研究結果依土石流造成的災難、當時的身心反應、逃難與暫時安置; 災後的心理創傷與復原、安置整修與重建、他人協助;個人的因應與調適、原住民文化的解釋與處 理,族群與宗教的影響加以分析。透過以學校為基礎的災後心理重建工作,有助於學生從創傷中復 原與成長。未來並可針對此一災後復原模式作進一步實徵研究。


This study was based on a damaged junior high school in Taiwan after the aftermath of Ay-Li Typhoon. The aim of this study was to explore how victims of the Ay-Li Typhoon faced and experienced during the recovery process in 2004-2006. The author wants to know how the school-based interventions were during after-disaster crisis management and the recovery process. Seven aboriginal students who were living in the damaged area and two of students’ teachers were interviewed. Qualitative research approach was adopted, with interviews and documentary analysis as data collection methods. The researcher interviewed seven students who meet the criteria for in-depth interviews in June 2006. All student interviewees lost family members in Ay-Li Typhoon, and their houses were damaged, and the roads of their houses were damaged and covered by mudflows and landslides. They experienced post-traumatic stress syndromes. The researchers also interviewed two teachers who accompanied the students during the disaster. Results reveal students’ traumatic and resilient experiences. The results are divided into nine parts, namely: the disaster caused by the typhoon, psychological reactions during the disaster; the traumas after the disaster, resettlement and reconstructions after the disaster, personal coping and adaptation, others’ assistance, the interpretation and coping of the disaster from the aboriginal cultural context, use of indigenous cultural ceremonies in the treatment of trauma, and how the students’ aboriginal identity helps them. A detailed descriptions and illustrative quotations from the participants were presented and discussed.
