
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 一位資深心理師的受苦生命經驗轉化與實踐之敘說研究
卷期 35
並列篇名 A Senior Psychotherapist’s Transformation and Practice of Suffering Life Experiences: A Narrative Analysis
作者 陳增穎田秀蘭
頁次 065-094
關鍵字 心理師受苦生命經驗敘說轉化narrative analysissenior psychotherapistsuffering life experiencestransformationTSSCI
出刊日期 201304


本研究的目的在瞭解資深心理師的受苦生命經驗内容、從受苦到轉化的歷程、經歷受苦生命經驗後 的轉化,以及受苦生命經驗如何影響其在專業中的理念與行動。本研究採用敘說研究法,訪談一位 資深心理師,讓故事反應受訪者的經驗,採用「整體一内容」資料分析方式,並就受訪心理師的敘 說故事,針對四個研究問題提出主題整理與研究者的詮釋。從研究結果得知心理師遇到先生外遇、 與幼女被迫分離、好友中傷,以及成為新主管的眼中釘。從受苦到轉化的歷程中,心理師放棄挽回 先生的期待,對女兒的愛讓苦不再是苦,加上正向思考,做自己能做的事,更在朋友的幫助下重拾 對人性的信心,不隨他人之惡起舞,即使外在受苦環境不變,内心仍可過喜悦自由的人生。經歷受 苦生命經驗後,心理師得到的轉化是:用經歷過的苦難來幫助自己,走出受苦的速度越來越快,以 及悟出生命與人際的智慧在「善了」。在實務應用方面,則真的懂得並接受個案的苦,對嚴重問題個 案的敏銳度增加,處理個案的方式更多元,跨出單一角色的界限,涵容個案對心理師的傷害,掌握 療癒的歷程,以更多的耐心、信心和希望陪個案走過痛苦。


The purpose of this study was focused on a senior psychotherapist’s suffering life experiences. It aimed to explore the psychotherapist’s transforming process and outcomes, and how the psychotherapist utilized these experiences into her clinical work. Based on the narrative analysis, the psychotherapist’s three suffering life events were identified. The psychotherapist went through these suffering life experiences by abandoning old belief, doing what she could do, thinking positively, re-believing the good human nature. The transformations identified by the psychotherapist include: having more wisdom to cope with suffering experiences and keeping a harmonious relationship with life and others. The results showed that after having transformed from suffering life experiences, the psychotherapist (a) had more empathy, compassion, sensitivity and tolerance toward her clients, (b) used multiple methods and skills to help clients, and (c) served as a patient companion during the long process of psychotherapy.
