
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 大學生人際挫折容忍力量表之發展
卷期 35
並列篇名 Development of Interpersonal Frustration Tolerance Scale for College Students
作者 黃韞臻林淑惠
頁次 147-174
關鍵字 人際挫折容忍力探索性因素分析複核效化驗證性因素分析confirmatory factor analysiscross-validationexploratory factor analysisinterpersonal frustration toleranceTSSCI
出刊日期 201304


若能透過一份有效研究工具,預先對於國内大學生的挫折忍受力進行瞭解,而後設法針對個體的狀 況予以關切與協助,除能避免偏差行為的產生,亦能幫助其適應生活環境的刺激。因此,本研究主 要目的在發展「大學生人際挫折容忍力量表」,以提供教育工作者做為評量大學生人際挫折容忍力之 運用。在預試方面,以321名大學生為對象,經項目分析篩選題目;在正式樣本方面,採立意取樣 方式以班級為單位,於中部地區11所大專院校進行量表的施測,共得有效樣本1,800名,隨機將之 分為三組獨立樣本。先以第一組樣本進行探索性因素分析,瞭解量表的因素結構,共抽出三個因素, 分別為行動取向、人際冒險,以及情緒感受,全量表的Cronbach’s a係數達.88,各分量表信度則 介於.75 ~ .83之間。再以第二組樣本進行驗證性因素分析,架構量表模式並確立整體契合度,以及 考驗内在結構;最後以第三組為效度樣本,以複核效化檢驗量表之穩定性。研究結果發現,所編製 之人際挫折容忍力量表模式具有良好之契合度、信度、建構效度及效標關聯效度,經複核效化檢驗 亦顯示量表模式具有穩定性,是一個符合實證的測量工具,可供後續研究者利用以進行相關研究, 或供諮商輔導機構作為實務上之應用。


If students’ frustration tolerance can be evaluated in advance, we can offer them the care and help in time. This can also help students avoid deviant behaviors and adapt to the new environment. The purpose of this study was to develop an interpersonal frustration tolerance scale for college students. The scale can help educators evaluate college students’ interpersonal frustration tolerance. The pretest sample consisted of 321 college students. All items were screened via item analysis. Later, using purposive sampling method, a sample of 1,800 participants was collected from 11 colleges in central Taiwan. The sample was randomly divided into three sets. The first set was used to generate the factors through exploratory factor analysis. Three factors were extracted from the scale: action approach, interpersonal risk, and emotional feeling. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for the entire scale was .88, and the alphas of three subscales ranged from .75 to .83. The second set was used for confirmatory factor analysis to examine the fit of the overall model and its internal structure. The third set was used for cross-validation. The study found that the developed new scale had a good model-data fit along with good reliability, construct validity, criterion-related validity, and stability based on cross-validation. We concluded that the “Interpersonal Frustration Tolerance Scale for College Students” is an empirically-valid measure. It can be used for future research and practice in counseling and guidance-related institutions.
