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篇名 德國參與國際軍事行動之考量原則:以拒絕參與伊拉克行動為例
卷期 43
並列篇名 Principles of Germany’s International Military Deployment: German Use of Force Policy in Iraq as an Example
作者 王順文
頁次 083-110
關鍵字 德國出兵政策伊拉克文明強權戰略文化聯邦議會German Use of Force PolicyIraqCivilian PowerStrategic CultureBundestag
出刊日期 201307


德國參與國際出兵行動呈現更具自主性的情況,特別是在伊拉克出兵 政策上面,不再是以美國為馬首是瞻,本文將以德國拒絕參與伊拉克出兵行 動為例,探討德國參與國際出兵行動時所考量之原則,並從政治菁英於聯邦 議會之辯論過程,探討不同黨派在出兵行動立場的共通原則與差異之處。


This paper focuses on principles related to Germany’s international military deployment and use of force policy, especially on Iraq-related issues. Germany is more independent on decision-making at this issue, and shows that it does not necessarily follow the actions of United States. This paper examines
debates among political elites in German parliament, and analyzes common
grounds and different point of views of political parties.
